Katy’s Spotlight on Women - Suna Cicekli
By Katy Young Staudt, Vice President at TurnkeyZRG
Hello and Happy December! As the year 2023 comes to a close, I find myself feeling especially grateful for the job I GET to do each day and the amazing clients and colleagues with whom I get to work.
This month’s spotlight on women highlights one of the hardest working “behind the scenes” individuals in college athletics, Suna Cicekli.
Suna is currently in her 6th year at the University of Oklahoma where she holds role of Associate Athletics Director/People, Culture, and Belonging.
Suna is also over the human resources department, which as we all know, is the ultimate key to opening and closing a successful search!
I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with Suna on many search projects over the past few years at OU—four in 2023 alone! Let me tell you-- She is the lady who makes it happen!
Suna is also the amazing mama of 2 girls, Ruby and Olive and a wonderful role model to student-athletes at OU.
Suna Cicekli, Associate Athletics Director/People, Culture and Belonging
Children- Ruby (11) and Olive (7)
What do you love most about your current job?
I get to connect with our people in so many levels in so many ways every day. I truly can feel and see the impact I make in our culture on a daily basis and reminded by our people that I am exactly where I am meant to be.
What advice would you give to a young person looking work in college athletics?
Let your work speak and stay genuine. Good work always speaks for itself and will open doors, bring success. You just got to be patient and consistent with always putting your best work out there.
What is one specific change you would make related to women working in sports?
I would put an end to gender stereotypes and sexism. It is unfortunate that this is still an issue in our world. Despite these barriers, women in sports continue to break barriers and inspire the next generations with our determination and strength.
What is the best/most memorable sporting event you’ve attended?
Oh that’s a tough one… There are so many. But let’s go with Red River Rivalry 2020. In the midst of the pandemic. OU takes down Texas on 4thOT.
Favorite Quote?
Maya Angelou has said “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
What is your guilty pleasure?
A good binge watching show and ice cream!
Your “Go To” restaurant in Norman?
Pepe Delgado’s!
Happy Holidays and Boomer Sooner!